[Sodipodi-list] SodiPodi Documentation Development Questions
Jeshua Lacock
2004-12-14 02:12:51 UTC

We are currently developing documentation for SodiPodi that we will
make available to the community when it is finished. It is more of an
overview than in-depth documentation, but it should be a good start.

We have discovered a few options that we cannot adequately give an
explanation for, and we would be grateful for any help or hints with
any of the following questions.

1. How does the transformation matrix work in the "Item Properties";
specifically what do the six values for the "Transformation Matrix" do?

2. What does the "Sensitive" option do in the "Item Properties"?

3. The "Visible" checkbox is grayed out for all of my objects in the
"Item Properties". Can anyone please explain how to use this feature?

4. "Show Guides" is grayed out in the "Desktop Settings". Can anyone
please explain how to use this feature?

5. What does the "Object transformation", "Optimize" or "Preserve"
options in the "Tool Options" for the selection tool do?

6. What does the "[Tab] Cycling" in the tool options for the selection
tool do? How would one use it?

7. How does the value for "Default cursor tolerance" effect the cursor
in the "Desktop Settings" do?

8. What does the "Skip taskbar entry for dialogs" option in the
"Desktop Settings" do?


Jeshua Lacock __________________________
Programmer/Owner Phone: 877.240.1364
http://OpenOSX.com Fax: 415.462.6211
Pat Suwalski
2004-12-14 02:33:01 UTC
We are currently developing documentation for SodiPodi that we will make
available to the community when it is finished. It is more of an
overview than in-depth documentation, but it should be a good start.
We have discovered a few options that we cannot adequately give an
explanation for, and we would be grateful for any help or hints with any
of the following questions.
1. How does the transformation matrix work in the "Item Properties";
specifically what do the six values for the "Transformation Matrix" do?
This is best done if you try playing with the parameters yourself. It
X-Y size, X-Y skew, and X-Y position.
2. What does the "Sensitive" option do in the "Item Properties"?
This locks and unlocks the object to the sheet of paper.
3. The "Visible" checkbox is grayed out for all of my objects in the
"Item Properties". Can anyone please explain how to use this feature?
This was meant to show and hide the object.
4. "Show Guides" is grayed out in the "Desktop Settings". Can anyone
please explain how to use this feature?
Doesn't look like this works. It must be a placeholder for toggling
visibility of guidelines.
5. What does the "Object transformation", "Optimize" or "Preserve"
options in the "Tool Options" for the selection tool do?
I'm not sure about this one. I'm guessing it deals with the finer points
of how the transformation of objects are stored in the XML format. I
would guess that preserve preserves all of the operations (for example
if an object is resized twice) and optimize would simplify that example
to one resize. Just a guess though.
6. What does the "[Tab] Cycling" in the tool options for the selection
tool do? How would one use it?
It modifies how the Tab key behaves when used in the main window. Tab
goes to the next item in the stack of items, and this modifies how that
7. How does the value for "Default cursor tolerance" effect the cursor
in the "Desktop Settings" do?
Don't know exactly. I recall this having something to do with tablets.
8. What does the "Skip taskbar entry for dialogs" option in the "Desktop
Settings" do?
It makes the various dialogs you open not show up in the window
manager's task list.

